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Brief information about the tour

The far more popular Uganda wildlife safari tour, the 18 Days Uganda wildlife  Safari, carries you across Uganda via Mountain Elgon National Park, where you can hike to the Sipi Falls, adventure the Source of the Nile in Jinja where white water rafting is done, Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for white Rhino tracking, Murchison Falls National Park for the Splendid Murchison Falls, Semuliki National Park for Sempaya Hotsprings, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable

Day By Day Tour Summary

  • Day 1 – Arrival at Entebbe International Airport and Kampala City tour
  • Day 2 – Transfer from Kampala to Jinja – The Source of the River Nile adventure. Transfer to Mbale
  • Day 3 – Hike to Sipi Falls and in the afternoon return to Jinja City for Overnight
  • Day 4 – Transfer from Jinja city to Rhinos of Ziwa sanctuary for white Rhino tracking. ( either sleep in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary or Choose to sleep in Masindi)
  • Day 5 – Proceed to Murchison Falls National Park in the morning from Masindi
  • Day 6 – Full day adventure in Murchison Falls national park involving boat cruise on the Victoria Nile
  • Day 7 – Transfer from Murchison Falls national park to Fort Portal at the foothill of the Mountains of the Moon
  • Day 8 – Take on an adventure to Sempaya Hot Springs in Semuliki National Park
  • Day 9 – Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a wildlife safari tour in the Oldest Uganda national park
  • Day 10 – Go Chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura Gorge
  • Day 11 – Have an exciting game drive in the Ishasha sector to sight Tree-Climbing Lions in Queen Elizabeth national park, then stretch to Bwindi Impenetrable national park
  • Day 12 – Full day encounter with mountains gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable forest, in the evening, drive to Lake Bunyonyi for relaxation
  • Day 13 – The wonderful adventure at Lake Bunyonyi involving a boat cruise and bird watching at the lake
  • Day 14 – Transfer from Lake Bunyonyi to Lake Mburo National Park for another wildlife tour
  • Day 15 – Drive from Lake Mburo National park to Masaka or Entebbe to Board a boat to Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria
  • Day 16 – Go for another great adventure to the Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria after a long tiring drive and gorilla trekking
  • Day 17 – The Ssese Islands tour including the Ecological Nature walk and Bugala Village tour
  • Day 18 – Kampala City Tour

Day 1 – Arrival at Entebbe International Airport and Kampala City tour

A professional tour guide from monumental expeditions will pick you up at the airport and after a simple pre-tour briefing, he will transfer you to your hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2 – Transfer from Kampala to Jinja – The Source of the River Nile adventure. Transfer to Mbale

Travel to eastern Uganda( Mbale), passing via Jinja, the country’s second-largest city. It is distinguished by its Asian sections, a beer industry, and beautiful gardens.18 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

Tour the Nile’s Source on Lake Victoria, the Gandhi Monument, and then go to the beautiful Itanda Falls on the Nile, a few kilometers from the source. Optional: Experience the amazing experience of white water rafting, which is one of Jinja’s greatest attractions. Itanda serves local cuisine for lunch. Drive to Mbale for supper and overnight in the afternoon.

Day 3 – Hike to Sipi Falls and in the afternoon return to Jinja City for an Overnight

The day’s enjoyment begins with a nature walk to the beautiful waterfalls on the Sipi River, which flows from Mount Elgon. Crow’s Nest, a camping and hotel facility, serves as the starting point.

18 Days Uganda Wildlife SafariAlong the trip, you will pass through caverns and coffee, matooke, and sugarcane farms. We make certain that you have a packed lunch for the day. In the afternoon, return to Jinja. Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 4 – Transfer from Jinja city to Rhinos of Ziwa sanctuary for white Rhino tracking. ( either sleep in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary or Choose to sleep in Masindi)

The next morning, depart Jinja for Masindi via Kampala. You will halt at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for rhino tracking to witness rhinos in the wild.

18 Days Uganda Wildlife SafariThe ride is long but pleasurable as it takes you through the verdant countryside of Uganda, complete with traditional Ugandan villages and farmland. Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 5 – Proceed to Murchison Falls National Park in the morning from Masindi

After a leisurely breakfast, go to Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda’s largest protected region named after the famed Nile Falls. After lunch, take an afternoon wildlife drive in the park’s northern section, intoee elephants, lions, cape buffalos, Rothschild’s giraffes, hartebeests, waterbucks, oribi, bushbucks, spotted hyenas, and, if you’re fortunate, leopards. Dinner and an overnight stay

18 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

Day 6 – Full-day adventure in Murchison Falls National Park involving a boat cruise on the Victoria Nile

The day begins with an early morning game drive in the park. Breakfast will be served at the lodge. Unwind beside the swimming pool. After lunch, you will take a boat safari upwards to the tranquil Victoria Nile and the foot of the falls, which is only ten meters from the Devil’s Cauldron.

You may gaze at toothy hippos, crocodiles, and elephants, waterbucks, and Uganda Kobs throughout the 17-kilometer span.

Numerous bird species live here, including goliath herons, Egyptian geese, pelicans, bee-eaters, kingfishers, Hombills, cormorants, and the uncommon shoebill stork. The boat drops you off near the falls, and you must trek to the top.18 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

It’s a thrilling experience that takes you up and personal with the rushing whitewater as it squeezes through the tight cleft below. Relax a little at the top, where you may take in the splendor of Niles.

The 43-meter descent of the falls causes the earth to tremble, and the ensuing mist from the turbulence frequently generates rainbows. Your tour guide will be waiting for you.

Day 7 – Transfer from Murchison Falls National Park to Fort Portal at the foothill of the Mountains of the Moon

Because the journey connecting Murchison Falls National Park and Fort Portal is extensive, you will leave the park early in the morning and travel southwest via the Albertine Escarpment of the Western Rift Valley.


Drive through the green countryside, tea plantations, and traditional homesteads in Hoima, the capital of the Bunyoro monarchy. You arrive at Fort Portal, the bright and lovely capital of the Tooro kingdom, under the shadow of the mythical Mountains of the Moon (Rwenzori). Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 8 – Take on an adventure to Sempaya Hot Springs in Semuliki National Park

Now we go on a game drive in the magnificent Semliki National Park and visit the male and female hot springs. Visit the Kasenda Crater Lakes, which dominate the area and provide spectacular spectacular views. Return for supper and sleep.

Semuliki national parkDay 9 – Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a wildlife safari tour in the Oldest Uganda national park

Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park via the magical Rwenzori Mountain Range, reaching in time for lunch.

After lunch, take a two-hour boat ride on the Kazinga Channel. This route may have the biggest number of animals and birds because they may be observed drinking at the water’s edge.

This launch trip provides an ideal setting for photography, bird observation, and wildlife viewing. With over 550 permanent species, the abundant bird life is bright and spectacular. Then you’ll bike through the interesting Crater Lake area. Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 10 – Go Chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura Gorge

After coffee, you’ll go on an early morning game drive around the park, where you may expect to see lions, elephants, cape buffalos, warthogs, spotted hyenas, mongooses, waterbucks, kobs, and the leopard if you’re lucky, as well as many other small creatures and birds.Kibale Forest National Park

Return to the lodge for lunch. Drive to Kyambura gorge after lunch for a woodland walk in quest of habituated chimps and other monkeys. This Rift Valley canyon is 16 kilometers long and 100 meters deep. For this hike, the Rangers will supply you with a walking stick. Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 11 – Have an exciting game drive in the Ishasha sector to sight Tree-Climbing Lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park, then stretch to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Drive to the Ishasha section of the park with your lunch box for a wildlife drive in quest of the unusual tree-climbing lions seen exclusively in this region of Uganda. The scenery consists of wida e savannah with acacia trees. Continue to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for supper and an overnight stay.

Day 12 – Full day encounter with mountain gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable forest, in the evening, drive to Lake Bunyonyi for relaxation

Set off for the mountain gorilla tracking inside the Bwindi forest after receiving a briefing from the rangers. This is the high point of your excursion. You must bring drinking water, a packed lunch, a rain jacket, and jungle boots, and the guides will supply a walking stick.

One of the interesting things you will appreciate is gorilla tracking. Take a photo and observe gorillas in their natural environment. After tracking, go to Kabale across the picturesque undulating hills and terraced terrain. This area is known as the “Switzerland of Africa.” Dinner and an overnight stay

Day 13 – The wonderful adventure at Lake Bunyonyi involving a boat cruise and bird watching at the lake

We begin today with a boat cruise on the lake, around the various islands, for bird watching and touring. Go to the Bakiga Museum. Lunch.

After lunch, travel to Lake Mburo National Park, the smallest but most intriguing. Dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 14 – Transfer from Lake Bunyonyi to Lake Mburo National Park for another wildlife tour

Early morning wildlife drive in quest of impalas, zebras, cape buffalos, elands, oribi, and topi. Many people enjoy a boat ride on Lake Mburo in addition to the game drive. The park is ideal for bird lovers, who will appreciate the area’s more than 250 kinds of birds. Return to the lodge for dinner and a night’s rest.

Day 15 – Drive from Lake Mburo National Park to Masaka or Entebbe to Board a boat to Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria

After enjoying your morning breakfast, you are to check out at the hotel and then leave the park with an en route game drive heading via masMasaka Entebbe where you will board a boat to sseseelands on Lake Victoria. Drive to Entebbe after breakfast to catch the ferry boat that will take you to the Ssese Islands, an archipelago of 84 islands on Lake Victoria. In the meantime, you may explore the attractions of Entebbe’s botanical garden. Dinner and overnight stay.

Day 16 – Go for another great adventure to the Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria after a long tiring drive and gorilla trekking

Enjoy navigation on the lake, which appears to be a vast and quiet sea. You arrive on Bugala Island’s gorgeous port of Lutoboka for supper and sleep at the Pearl Gardens resort, which has a magical setting on the beach.

Day 17 – The Ssese Islands tour including the Ecological Nature walk and Bugala Village tour

You’ll traverse the Ssese Islands, admiring the beauty of the lake and the wooded islands. You will visit three islands, including a fishing town and a residential island. Return to your hotel and unwind by the beach, swimming and sunbathing. Dinner and an overnight stay

Early breakfast before embarking on a pleasant ecological nature walk in the uncontaminated forest of the islands, accompanied by our guide who will tell you all you need you know about the forest. Return for lunch and then unwind.

An evening village tour on a motorbike will take you to the ancient and traditional fishing town on Bugala Islands, as well as a palm tree farm and a pineapple field. Dinner and overnight stay as described above.

Day 18 – Kampala City Tour

After breakfast, take the ferry back to Entebbe. Spend the afternoon relaxing or shopping for crafts and souvenirs. Transfer to Entebbe International Airport in preparation for your journey.

End Of Tour


  • 4×4 safari vehicle
  • A tour guide
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Gorilla permit
  • Drinking water


  • Tips
  • Insurance
  •  Visas
  • International flights
  • Beverages
  • Laundry services

Contact Monumental Expeditions: Send us and email and we shall get back to you as soon as possible.

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