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Nature walks and hikes at Kidepo Valley National ParkNature walks and hikes at Kidepo Valley National Park | Hiking safaris

Kidepo Valley National Park offers wonderful opportunities for nature walks and hikes, allowing visitors to explore the park’s diverse ecosystems and experience its natural beauty up close. Here are some options for nature walks and hikes at Kidepo Valley National Park.


Lomej Hills Trail

This trail takes you on a hike up Lomej Hills, which offer stunning panoramic views of the park and its surroundings. The hike is relatively easy and takes about 3-4 hours round trip. Along the way, you may encounter wildlife such as antelopes, birds, and maybe even some primates. The scenic vistas from the hilltop make it a worthwhile hike.


Narus Valley Trail

The Narus Valley is a picturesque area within Kidepo Valley National Park. You can take a guided nature walk along the valley, exploring the diverse plant life, spotting birds, and observing wildlife grazing in the open grasslands. The trail offers a chance to appreciate the park’s unique landscapes and encounter wildlife species such as giraffes, zebras, and antelopes.


Apoka Rest Camp Walk

The Apoka Rest Camp is the main accommodation area in the park, and you can enjoy a leisurely walk within its vicinity. The walk provides opportunities to observe birds and smaller mammals in the surrounding vegetation. You can also explore the nearby Narus River, which attracts a variety of wildlife.


Kidepo River Valley Walk

This walk takes you along the Kidepo River, providing a chance to spot wildlife that gathers near the water source. You can observe bird species, crocodiles, hippos, and other animals that come to drink or cool off in the river. The walk allows for a more intimate experience with nature and the park’s ecosystems.


Cultural Village Walks

In addition to nature walks, you can also participate in guided cultural village walks to learn about the indigenous communities living near the park. These walks offer insights into the local way of life, traditions, and cultural practices. You can interact with community members, visit traditional homesteads, and witness traditional dances and ceremonies.

Nature walks and treks require the presence of a knowledgeable guide or ranger who can give information about the park, assure your safety, and assist you in navigating the paths. Wear adequate footwear, bring drinking water, and obey any directions or guidelines issued by park officials.

Exploring Kidepo Valley National Park on foot allows you to gain a more immersive and personal understanding of the park’s wildlife, landscapes, and cultural legacy.