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Hiking at Mount Elgon National ParkHiking at Mount Elgon National Park

Hiking at Mount Elgon National Park is a popular activity that allows visitors to explore the park’s diverse landscapes, stunning viewpoints, and unique ecosystems. With its volcanic peaks, lush forests, and beautiful waterfalls, Mount Elgon offers a range of hiking options for different skill levels. Here’s what you need to know about hiking at Mount Elgon National Park.


Sasa Trail (Day Hike)

The Sasa Trail is the most popular day hike option at Mount Elgon National Park. It starts at the Budadiri trailhead and takes you through the park’s montane forest to the Sasa River Camp. The trail is steep and challenging, but it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. The round trip typically takes 6-7 hours.


Sipi Trail

The Sipi Trail is a multi-day hiking option that allows you to explore the scenic Sipi Falls area on the slopes of Mount Elgon. The trail takes you through coffee plantations, villages, and beautiful waterfalls. You can choose to hike to each of the three main waterfalls: Sipi Falls, Simba Falls, and Ngasire Falls. The trail can be customized based on your preferences and fitness level.


Piswa Trail

The Piswa Trail is another multi-day hiking option that provides a longer and more challenging trek into the park. It starts at Kapkwata Cultural Village and takes you through bamboo forests, moorlands, and scenic viewpoints. The trail offers opportunities for wildlife sightings and stunning vistas. The full circuit typically takes around 5 days.


Jackson’s Pool Trail

This shorter trail is ideal for those looking for a less strenuous hiking experience. The trail leads to Jackson’s Pool, a small crater lake nestled in a scenic location. It offers a chance to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The hike can be completed in a few hours.


Mount Elgon Summit Trek

For experienced hikers and those seeking a more challenging adventure, summiting Mount Elgon is an option. This typically requires multiple days and involves camping along the way. The trek to the summit offers panoramic views, unique geological features, and the opportunity to witness the stunning caldera.