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African Safaris In December

African Safaris in December

African Safaris in December – Where to go on safari in December? – Best place for African Safari in December – Africa Gorilla trekking safaris in December.

As the northern hemisphere enters the short, cold, and dark days of winter, Africa extends its arms wide in welcome. Summer in Africa begins in December, and many sites are at their peak. In December, the weather in Africa is usually hot and bright, with occasional cooler showers in the interior to ‘green’ things up. Beach vacations are very popular in most Indian Ocean areas. Whether you’re planning a safari or a beach trip (or a combination of the two), bear in mind that December in Africa may be hectic. The beaches are at their brightest, and the usual Christmas and New Year’s summer vacation season is in full force.

If you live in the northern hemisphere and want to visit Africa during the winter, December is a great and joyful time of year. December is the Southern African green season when the bush comes alive with new grass growth, flowers, and new-born animals, and because it is summer, it is great for safari and beach vacations.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

While summer storms light up the skies of southern Africa, Uganda enters a three-month dry spell that makes mountain gorilla trekking perfect. Paths are less slick, and the lack of rain offers improved vision—no peeking through the mist to spot gorillas. Every year, from June to August, similar conditions exist, with the forest being impenetrable in name only. Trek for chimpanzees in one of Uganda’s other forest areas to go full primate.

This East African country features on many lists of the top places to visit in Africa in December due to its breathtaking range of landscapes and animals. Combine this with the ease with which travellers may get visas for Tanzania, and you have the recipe for an excellent trip in Africa.

African Safaris in December-Serengeti National Park

Tanzania’s arid mid-year winter is relieved by the ‘ short rains’ season, which lasts from November to December. Clouds gather in the mornings and burst out in spectacular, but normally brief, rains in the late afternoons, which are unlikely to interfere with game-watching.

Migrant birds from the northern hemisphere return, and local plains game herds give birth. The Wildebeest Migration continues south to the Great Plains, providing plenty of prey for the Serengeti’s big predators. If you want to go on an African safari in December, the Serengeti is the place to go.

Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater, formed around 3 million years ago when a massive volcano burst and fell on itself, is the world’s biggest complete volcanic crater. It is one of the world’s most magnificent natural wonders, home to approximately 25,000 creatures.

While most of East Africa is green and lush in December, the Crater is especially beautiful at this time of year. Wildlife photographers will be in for a treat in one of the most accessible locations to observe the Big 5.