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Safety and security -How safe is Gorilla Trekking in Uganda,Rwanda or DR.Congo?

Is Gorilla Trekking Safe in Uganda, Rwanda or DR Congo?

Is it safe to track Gorillas in Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Gorilla Tourism is a substantial foundation of income for the governments of Uganda and Rwanda. In Uganda, Gorilla permits cost $600($700 after July 1-2020) and $1500 in Rwanda and as well this cost goes for the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda. And all this is done to ensure the safety of Gorilla Trekkers in the Heart of Africa.

In countries of Rwanda, Uganda & DR Congo, the attention in Gorilla preservation accompanied with Gorilla Tourism. It is so important to preserve the Gorilla area code, offer a safe and secure atmosphere both inside and outside the National Parks containing these gentle giants and all this is made possible by the Gorilla trekkers, or else Trekkers wouldn’t come.

Gorilla Tourism Security procedures include guarding/watching done by the crack soldiers placed especially on the borders of countries like Uganda & Rwanda and each of these borders are highly observed and supervised. And still most times there are drones used to do so.

Gorilla tracking in the DR. Congo has become more scarily and dangerous due to the fact that there is existence and interference of the external forces (rebel forces), the Guerrillas making it less safe, though Virunga Volcanoes National Park in this country is known as one of the best-managed parks in Africa. But we believe in the nearby future that will soon change.

Gorilla Tourism is marks the ranking vacation industry in countries like Uganda & Rwanda. Gorilla Tourism offers/presents funds for preservation, infrastructure development for the indigenous societies along with employment, and everything is being done to preserve both the gentle giants(Gorillas) & travelers as well as the indigenous communities adjacent to the Parks.

The Well-being (Safety) & Refuge(Security) of Gorilla Trekkers are on each & everyone’s mind.

Is it safe to track Gorillas in Uganda? 

Uganda is the leading Mountain Gorilla Trekking Destination in Africa for 2 chief details and these are Affordability and Safety in the Gorilla Trekking activity.  Affordability only makes sense if there is Safety and Security for Gorilla Trekkers.

In the past 20 years there has been no record of Gorilla Trekking insecurity occurrences in Uganda. The presence of the armed rangers along with the military and the existence of the tourism police for the smooth running of those engaged in the Gorilla Trekking activity.

One of the safest destination to tour in Uganda for Gorilla Trekking is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The Rangers in these 2 National Parks (Bwindi Impenetrable & Mgahinga Gorilla in Uganda), are well equipped, trained and all highly stirred/inspired to Keep Gorilla Trekking safe and secure.

Gorilla Trekking Security procedures in Uganda is the behind brains as to why it is highly considered the finest and best destination for Gorilla trekking.   Everyone involved in Gorilla Tourism observes and sticks to the Security ethics that have been delivered and executed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority(UWA)

The population around Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla Park have gotten Police in existence, including Tourism Police and Military Police present. Their main importance and function is to offer another layer of Safety and Security for trekkers and the indigenous community alike. The Gorilla Parks, unseen by most, are monitored daily. The Borders with the one of DR Congo inclusive are monitored by the UPDF, the Ugandan Army, etc.

The indigenous society is much aware of the importance and how vibrant Gorilla tourism is. They profit directly and indirectly from Gorilla Tourism and account any distrustful activity either inside or outside the National parks to the Authorities. Well, Uganda is Guerrilla-Free country and putting in more effort to keep it that way for the safety of fellow Ugandans and the Gorilla Trekkers as well.

Candidly, when it comes to Safety and Security Africa, Uganda, gets a bad shawl likened to safety and security in other countries like the USA where you go shopping at a Walmart or have a drink in a bar might be more risky than tracking the gentle giants (Gorillas) in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Is it safe to track Gorillas in Rwanda?

Rwanda its self has a peculiarity of being recognized as among the Safest Countries in Africa or more so in the whole world. Kigali capital city of Rwanda is ranking one of the safest towns in Africa. In this country (Rwanda)Security and Police are seen everywhere with the tourism/tourist Destinations inclusive like Volcanoes National Park, where Gorilla trekking is the motivation.

‘Exclusive Gorilla terminus’, yes that is what makes Rwanda feel so proud about itself.  It contains luxurious Hotels & Lodges thrive, and ever new ones are being set up and built, the welfare of visitors, Travellers. There has been no straight Gorilla Trekking Security occurrences, only the reverse causing celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres to decree how wonderful it is to tour Rwanda.

Rwanda ‘s Volcanoes National Park has been recorded safe and sound destination for both the endangered species (gorillas) & the gorilla Trekkers themselves. No Tourist can enter the park without the company of a Ranger and Armed Security Protection is the custom for those trekking gorillas, golden monkeys, involved in the activity hiking, or climbing inside of the National park.

This Park (Volcanoes National Park) perimeters both the steady, safe, and protected Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda and the less steady Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Real minded Rwanda has taken a threatening-inclined security carriage to safeguard travelers and its citizens as well. Rwanda has a proven record for being a safe and stable country to tour on an African venture.

The President of Rwanda –President Paul Kagame is a no-drivel resolution-obsessed man whose dream for a harmless and amalgamated Rwanda is reflected by all those that are included in government, involving the military, police, rangers, etc.

The peace of Rwanda has been vulnerable at times by external forces like as The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda(FDLR) (French) which is an armed rebel group/external force dynamic in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Also an ethnic group(Hutu) divergent to the present government in power of Rwanda and who got involved in the Genocide against the ethnic group of the Tutsi bolting to then Zaire towards the end of the 1994 Genocide and each of these threats have been deterred successfully by the Rwandan Military, and Rwanda as a country stays safe for Tourism with Gorilla Trekking vacation industry inclusive.

Is it safe to track Gorillas in Rwanda after the FDLR Attack on October 4, 2019?

On October 4th, close to 10 PM, an armed rebel group of FDLR (The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) (French) vigorous in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo attacked the Kinigi section in the Musanze region in Northern Rwanda. Attacked with pistols, rifles, machetes killing 14 and 18 Rwandan getting wounded. But no travelers were injured.

Rwandan security forces attacked those who had attacked them, killed 19 rebels, and captured 5 rebels and those who got captured spoke out that they were working and part of the disreputable FDLR Rebel Group that peruses to overthrow the present government of Rwanda in power under the leadership of President Paul Kagame. Those rebels who were not killed or captured bolted back to the Democratic Republic of Congo via Virunga National Park.

The Rwandan fatalities were submerged/buried in one grave in company of a mournful ceremony.

December of 2018 concluded the last attack on Rwanda by this same rebel group of FDLR and killed two Rwandan in the National Park. The country of Rwanda has suffered from the attacks by the Rebel fighter, involving those near Nyungwe Forest National Park. No Travellers/ Tourist Lodges/ Hotels have been attacked.

Is it safe to Trek Gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park at present?

Well the decision lies in your hands because apparently according to the past experiences and right now, Rwanda stays on record as one of the highly safe countries to tour in Africa. Without under minding what happened on October 4, 2019, one can be convinced that Rwanda is persistently working to safeguard travelers/ Tourists and the Rwandan people too.

One can also be certain that- Ellen DeGeneres (Rwanda’s no.1 fans) will go once again the gentle giants (mountain Gorillas)) in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

Several Countries might dispute Transportable Alerts and Transportable Advisories, but still several Transportable Security Experts would still advise a tour to Rwanda reliant on Rwanda’s reliable record concerning Safety and Security for its citizens and tourists.

Is it Safe to Trek Gorillas in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

There has been a record on 2 luckless occurrences-in the months of April & May of 2018 where rangers were killed and several travelers abducted. But later the travelers were released.

Many people living in the International Community like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK commend that you do not tour the area, which involves Virunga National Park.  Most insurance companies, excluding those focusing in high-risk insurance, will not insure you while you are there.

Virunga National Park re-opened for Vacation industry/Tourism- February 15 – 2019. 

Conditions stays the same, but the Park has taken security actions.  After the Presidential Elections, there has been occurrences across DR Congo, involving Goma.  It stays a high-risk zone – Check Transportable Advisories, have Travel Insurance. Only use a Virunga National Park commended Tour Operator.

You spend more time at your Gorilla Lodge than you would at the park trekking Gorillas. Most lodges, especially under ranges of mid-range / Luxury Lodges, offer all the comfort, meals, and amenity that you deserve. Lodges are very much aware that you value the issue of security in an unfamiliar country. It is important to all of us in Gorilla Tourism that you feel at home at the place where you are staying(accommodation)- lodge/hotel. ‘African Hospitality ‘implies that your host will be responsible for your welfare, you as the guest and once under his/her roof. A custom practiced and respected several lodges.

Security does not only apply to the Gorilla Trekking activity, but also continues straight from your arrival time in the country until you leave /depart. As a Tour Operator, we only choose mid-range and deluxe with a suitable level of security in place for their visitors.

I am not worried about Gorillas, but Guerrillas- Are There Guerrillas in Uganda?

No, there are no Guerrillas in Uganda apparently. Rwanda as a country had the present out of the custom attack by FDLR Rebels. The present government of President Museveni and still in power was once Guerrilla Force but that was long time ago, before 1986.

At present and today Uganda is Guerrilla Free and is putting in a lot of effort to keep it that way ever. You can still find more evidence/facts about Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army, but his LRA has not troubled Northern Uganda for over a decade now.

One can empathize with Rwanda since the October FDLR Rebel attack will have a wave result on Tourism for some time to come.  We know about that in Uganda, but luckily, we have been Guerrilla Free and have faith to stay that way.