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Booking gorilla safaris to volcanoes national park

Naturally Volcanoes National Park is among the 4 famous spots to view wild and habituated mountain gorillas in their natural territory. It’s now possible and very easy to book safaris to Volcanoes National Park. These gentle giants that are identified as Apes cannot endure under detention. Apart from Volcanoes National Park, there are other National Parks where mountain Gorillas do reside like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda, Virunga National Park in DR Congo. And its von record that all the rest of the world can spot mountain Gorillas only in the above mentioned National Park.

About Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda

This park is positioned in the North-eastern part of Rwanda, a country well referred to as a nation of thousand hills. Volcanoes National Park does shelter about a total of 20 gorilla families all of which are habituated for Gorilla trekking and research. Basing on the available records 10 gorillas are held in reserve for research while the other remaining 10 gorillas are widely open for gorilla trekking where trekkers are allowed and permitted strictly 1 hr with these gentle giants and 4 hrs for those engaged in Gorilla Habituation Experience. When it comes to accommodation there are various hotels and lodges to stay while on your gorilla trekking safari in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The transfer duration to this National Park is approximately 2-3 hrs drive from Kigali city/Kigali International Airport. Basing on your budget, Monumental Expeditions Safaris will modify a safari/tour to suite and match with your pocket and curiosity.

Best and easy way to Book Gorillas safaris to Volcanoes National Park

The incredible activity of Gorilla Trekking is one of the most required after trekker activities to those visiting /touring Africa. Rwanda and Volcanoes National Park are particularly Africa ‘s leading and ranking Gorilla terminus and amenities must be booked early enough to avoid any error.

How to book Gorilla Permits in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

In all Gorilla Destinations where Gorilla Trekking takes place one is always supposed to have a Gorilla permit valid for 1 Day to spot Gorillas for strictly 1 hr with these Gentle Giants. Gorilla permits for Volcanoes National Park are normally issued out/delivered by the Rwanda Development Board and can be booked through registered Rwanda safari/tour operators.

Gorilla permits in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda do cost/rate $1,500 per person per gorilla trek and you are permitted strictly 1 hr with the mountain gorillas, still the following are include on that same rate like the park entry charges, amenities/ranger warden/guide, certificate after trekking and the security provided during you trekking.

Normally 80 gorilla permits are obtainable daily for Gorilla trekking, this is due to the fact that 10 gorilla families are laid aside for gorilla trekking and each familiarized mountain gorilla family is toured by 8 individuals making it become a total of 80 gorilla permits per daily day.

Well gorilla permit booking procedures do start with first the obtain-ability of permits on that day. Please don’t hesitate to contact Monumental Expeditions Safaris with the day, month and year when you do anticipate/expect to engage in the Gorilla trekking activity. We will check and get back to you with the total of permits obtainable on that day. If you are contented/fulfilled, we will recommend on how to make payment since Gorilla permits can only be promised/certain when paid for in cash. Monumental Expeditions Safaris will send you scanned copies of the receipts for your records and scrutiny.

When to book gorilla safaris to Volcanoes National Park.

Gorilla trekking being the most required safari activity in the world and as well for Rwanda, one is therefore recommended to book a bit earlier/in advance. One needs to always book Gorilla safaris to Rwanda –Volcanoes National Park in advance-at least 4-5 months in advance in order not to lose out on Gorilla permits. Much as these Gorilla permits are expensive, they tend to sell out during the peak season and these dry season in Rwanda does involve months like June, July, August and September.

Low/Wet season Gorilla safari discounts to Volcanoes National Park.

The Rwanda government via the Rwanda Development Board provides discounted /reduced gorilla permits to spot mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda from strictly in the months of November –May of each year. Now whoever visitor/trekker who spends 2 nights in one of these lodges-Akagera, Nyungwe and Volcanoes National Park, one is eligible to 30% discounts off every gorilla permit bought. In other wards one will pay $1,050 per Rwanda permit instead of $1,500.

Travel options to Volcanoes National Park-Rwanda

One can easily reach Volcanoes National Park right from Kigali International Airport, transfer to Volcanoes National Park in about 2-3 hrs to Ruhengeri. When in Ruhengeri you could decide/choose to tour the community/join Golden monkey trekking and Volcano hiking. If coming from south-western Uganda, it takes about 1 hr transfer from Kisoro town through Kyanika Boundary to Ruhengeri.

Other Tourist Activities in Volcanoes National Park

When booking Gorilla tours in Volcanoes National Park you can probably include some other activities like Golden monkey trekking, community tours, Volcano hiking, etc. All these activities can be booked anytime any day due to the fact that they don’t have minimum/maximum number of people required.