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12 Days Uganda Wildlife and Gorilla Safari

Brief information about the tour

This 16-day Uganda safari takes you from the north to the south of the country, from Kidepo Valley National Park to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Begin by traveling to Kidepo’s untamed wilderness. Continue your journey to the south, stopping for boat rides, wildlife drives, and chimpanzee trekking along the route. The gentle Giants of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the Mountain Gorillas, await you in the south. Along the route, you’ll see Uganda’s diverse natural beauty and welcoming people.

Day By Day Tour Summary

  • Day 1: Arrival day at Entebbe Airport
  • Day 2: Journey north via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
  • Day 3: Transfer meeting with Karamojong people and evening game drive in kidepo valley national park
  • Day 4: Explore Kidepo Valley np, morning & evening game drives
  • Day 5: Morning game drive and afternoon
  • Day 6: Tansfer to Murchison Falls National Park. the giraffe paradise!
  • Day 7: Game drive & boat-cruise in Murchison Falls National Park
  • Day 8: Transfer to Kibale forest
  • Day 9: chimps trekking in Kibale Forest & transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 10: Game drive and boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 11: Transfer to ishasha sector and afternoon game drive
  • Day 12: morning game drive in ishasha & transfer to Bwindi
  • Day 13: Gorilla trekking day- Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Day 14: relaxation day by Lake Bunyonyi
  • Day 15: Transfer to lake Mburo national park
  • Day 16: safari walk by lake Mburo national park and transfer to Entebbe airport

Day 1: Arrival day at Entebbe airport

Arrive at Entebbe International Airport in the afternoon/evening and be greeted by your safari guide from monumental expeditions to begin your 16-day Uganda safari from north to southeast. After the flight, you will be escorted to the lodge to recuperate and prepare for the experiences that begin tomorrow.

Dinner and Overnight stay at your lodge

Day 2: Journey north via Ziwa rhino sanctuary

After breakfast, you embark on your 16-day Uganda Safari, which will take you to Kidepo Valley National Park. It’s a long travel, therefore today’s goal is to spend the night at Kitgum. The trip leads you to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, where you may enjoy a walk with the Rhinos. The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is attempting to restore rhinos to Uganda. Later, drive north and stop for lunch in Gulu, Uganda’s second-largest city. After that, proceed to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.16 Days Uganda Adventure

Day 3: Transfer meeting with karamojong people and evening game-drive in Kidepo Valley National Park

After breakfast, depart for Kidepo Valley National Park, the first of 16 days on this safari. Kidepo is one of Africa’s wildest and most stunning reserves, set in a setting of wide plains and semi-arid savannah flanked by rugged highlands and forested hills. Before visiting the park, get a cultural experience at Karenna and Kapedo that will bring you into contact with Karamojong peoples. Meet the local elders and engage in conversation with them. They will show you the kraals, grinding stones, and a variety of other intriguing stuff.

dinner and overnight stay at your lodge

Day 4: A day to explore Kidepo Valley National Park, morning & evening game-drives

The early game drive brings us to the Natabba gate region, which is known for its cheetahs and other lower grassland species. The environment of Kidepo Valley National Park is dotted with tiny hills, rock formations, and inselbergs from where one may enjoy panoramic views of the Narus River Valley and picture chances of animals from all angles. An nighttime game drive across the Narus River Valley in search of Elephants, herds of Buffalo, Jackals, Jackson’s Hartebeest, Klipspringer, and maybe Lions.

16 Days Uganda Adventure

Day 5: Morning game-drive and afternoon

After breakfast, embark on a morning game drive to the Kanangorok hot springs area, attempting to cross the sand river. A number of animals, including ostriches, can be seen strolling around, with one of them returning for lunch. And an evening spent focused on the buffalo tracks and water holes in the Narus Valley area.

Day 6: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park.

depart Kidepo Valley National Park after breakfast, possibly capturing some final glimpses of its creatures as we drive out. Proceed on our 16-day Uganda safari in isolated sections of Uganda, including Gulu and the resort near Murchison Falls National Park. We arrive in the afternoon and spend the day relaxing at the resort.

Day 7: Game drive & boat-cruise in Murchison Falls National Park

We left early in the morning for a wildlife drive at Murchison Falls National Park. As the number of mammals grows to 76, you look for Big cats, Elephants, Giraffes, and Buffalos across the vast savannah. We keep going through the circuits to the delta point in search of a smorgasbord of birds and creatures. In the afternoon, you take a 2 p.m. boat trip on the Nile to the foot of Murchison Falls, where you may witness hippos (you have never seen more hippos yawning, grooming in their Pods anyplace else- Presume me), Nile Crocodiles, Elephants, and a variety of magnificent bird species along the banks. If you’re a birdwatcher, this may be your calling card. Following the boat ride16 Days Uganda Adventure

Day 8: Transfer to Kibale forest

Transfer to Kibale Forest after breakfast. Today is a lengthy drive on our 16-day Uganda safari, with the goal of having lunch at Fort Portal. A series of stopovers at scenic locations such as the Rift Valley escarpment on Lake Albert, a typical African village set up in the remote countryside, and tea plantations along the way provide opportunities for stretching. We arrive late in the afternoon to a place with an incredible display of monkeys and beautiful landscape.

Day 9: Chimps trekking in Kibale forest & transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Chimpanzee trekking begins in the morning in the forest of Kibale’s Primate City. Kibale Woodland National Park is a wet forest with about 1,500 chimps. Here you may watch the chimpanzees up close and snap images of our closest relatives in the forest in their frantic thrilling moods as they groom, create relationships, raise young ones, think, and share food, with uncommon bird species following them. There are 9 distinct types of monkeys in the jungle, so you may see red colobus, red-tailed monkeys, and bush babies on a good day. Following the trip, we proceed to the resort via Queen Elizabeth National Park and the crater lakes region.16 Days Uganda Adventure

Day 10: Game-drive and boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park

In the morning, we travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park’s savannah to enjoy the beauty and look for lions, leopards, and other intriguing species. After lunch, the classic highlight is a 2-hour boat tour on the famed Kazinga canal, a 36-kilometer-long channel that connects Lake George and Lake Edward. Both land and water may be seen from the banks. The National Geographical Society has adapted Hippopotamuses yawning and some cutting canines to each other. The Nile Crocodile gaping along the banks and Savannah analogues of Pigs the Warthog- Pumba of the award-winning Lion King are a defining feature of this Animal habitat.

Day 11: Transfer to Ishasha sector and afternoon game-drive

After a leisurely breakfast, we embark on an exciting trek across the park to the southern Ishasha section of Queen Elizabeth National Park. We may see elephants, monkeys, gorgeous birds, and perhaps large cats along the route if we get privileged. On our 16-day Uganda safari, we arrive at the resort for lunch and then take a wildlife drive in the afternoon to look for tree-climbing lions. The Ishasha sector is one of only two places in Africa where lions frequently climb trees to rest. During the game drive, we may also spot topis, buffaloes, and beautiful landscapes.

Day 12: Morning game drive in Ishasha & transfer to Bwindi

We will get off early in the day to explore the daring huge savannah of Queen Elizabeth National Park’s Ishasha area in quest of unique sights. After the wildlife drive, we returned to the resort for lunch before continuing on to the Bwindi Mountains, the headquarters of the mountain gorillas. The ride takes us from the savanna via terraced hills to the jungle-covered slopes of Bwindi, where the next day will be rhymed.

Day 13: Gorilla trekking day- Bwindi impenetrable national park

Mountain gorillas, who are relatives to humans, live in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. We’ve arrived at the high point of our 16-day Uganda safari: mountain gorilla hiking. A qualified guide will lead you in a group into the bush for your gorilla trekking excursion. Trek through stunning scenery and spend an hour with the gorillas for a memorable experience. This Impenetrable Forest is also home to a variety of birds, butterflies, and plant species, as well as forest hogs, elephants, sitatungas, and dikers. After the hike, your guide will pick you up and transport you to Lake Bunyonyi across cultivated hills. After our afternoon trip, we stopped at a lake 1840 meters above sea level to relax.

Day 14: Relaxation day by Lake Bunyonyi

Spend your free day relaxing by the gorgeous Lake Bunyonyi. Canoeing, swimming (safe in this lake), strolling around the lakeshores, returning to the hotel, and relaxing / boat ride along Lake Bunyonyi with tiny local and foreign bird species chirping

Day 15: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park

Transfer to Lake Mburo, the “Zebra Magnet,” after breakfast. Continue driving through the hilly terrain after leaving Lake Bunyonyi. Arrive at the park, enjoy lunch at the lodge, and then go on an afternoon wildlife drive to see Zebras, Giraffes, Topis, Warthogs, Cape Buffaloes, and Impalas.

Day 16: Safari walk by Lake Mburo National Park and transfer to Entebbe airport

From the resort, take an early morning safari walk. Get up early for a chance to observe zebras, waterbucks, birds, and buffaloes in their natural habitat! After the trek, have breakfast at the resort before departing for Entebbe. Have lunch at the Equator and take advantage of the opportunity for great photo ops where the southern and northern hemispheres converge. We have completed our 16-day Uganda safari and are driving back to Entebbe for an evening/night flight

End Of Tour


  • 4×4 safari vehicle
  • A tour guide
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Gorilla permit
  • Drinking water


  • Tips
  • Insurance
  •  Visas
  • International flights
  • Beverages
  • Laundry services

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