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18 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

Brief information about the tour

6 days Murchison Falls National Park, chimpanzees, and Queen Elizabeth National Park safari bring you to two of Uganda’s most frequented and magnificent wildlife conservation regions. Expect to see all five of the Big Five (Lions, Rhinos, Buffaloes, Leopards, and Elephants), as well as warthogs, giraffes, and Jackson’s hartebeests. Aside from the animals, you will have the opportunity to climb the top of the Great Murchison Falls and make picture stops at the equator. At the Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park, you will monitor chimps. If you miss sighting some of the animals on the game drives, expect to see them during the Kazinga Channel boat ride.

Day By Day Tour Summary

  • Day 1: Pickup from Kampala or Entebbe – Drive to Murchison falls National Park
  • Day 2: Game drive in the morning – Boat cruise on the river Nile
  • Day 3: Full day Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park with stops to see the country side
  • Day 4: Game drive at the Kasenyi Plains – Boat cruise at the Kazinga Channel
  • Day 5: Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura Gorge of Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 6: Tree Climbing Lions of Ishasha –  Transfer Back to Kampala

Day 1 of your 6 Days Murchison Falls: Pickup from Kampala or Entebbe – Drive to Murchison Falls National Park

After breakfast, a professional tour guide from monumental expeditions will pick you up and begin the trek to Murchison Falls National Park. Visiting Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls National Park will take you via Kampala city and then to the Uganda countryside, where you will watch rural people going about their everyday lives. You will pass through various small towns as well as the regions of Luwero and Nakasongola. In the early 1980s, Luwero was famed for harboring the National Resistance Army (present government) during their guerrilla fight with government forces. Nakasongola is a cattle-keeping corridor, therefore expect to see a lot of long-horned Ankole cattle grazing along the route.

You’ll make a stop at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary to look for white rhinos. This sanctuary was established to safeguard Uganda’s last remaining rhinos after poachers wiped out most of the country’s national parks. You’ll learn a lot about animals and what’s being done to conserve them across the world. If all goes as planned, the breeding effort at the sanctuary will help raise the number of rhinos to the point where they can be reintroduced into national parks.6 Days Murchison Falls

After touring the refuge, you will have lunch before heading to the Murchison Falls National Park. The first stop will be at the top of Murchison Falls. You will see the Nile squeeze through a tight gorge before tumbling into many hard rocks and continuing its journey to Egypt via South Sudan.

Dinner will be served at Sambiya Lodge Bandas for budget guests, Pakuba Game Lodge for mid-range travelers, and Paraa Safari Lodge for luxury travelers.

Day 2 of your 6 Days Murchison Falls: Game drive in the morning – Boat cruise on the river Nile

On the second day of your 6 Days Murchison Falls National Park, Chimpanzees, and Queen Elizabeth National Park, wake up early and eat breakfast while you wait for the driver to arrive and take you on a game drive. The game drive will take place along the Nile’s banks. Antelopes, lions, elephants, cape buffaloes, warthogs, jackals, Oribi, giraffes, hyenas, the Uganda Kob, and leopards may all be found here. Keep an eye out for nocturnal creatures returning to their burrows after hunting at night. In the morning, there is a lot of bird activity as they become enthusiastic about a new day of feasting.6 Days Murchison Falls

After the wildlife drive, the Driver/Guide will return you to your lodge for lunch and refreshments before the afternoon boat cruise. The boat ride travels upstream and terminates at the bottom of Murchison Falls near “Devil’s Cauldron.” Many of Africa’s iconic species may be spotted during a boat journey down the Nile.

This location contains one of Africa’s highest concentrations of hippos and crocodiles. Elephants, Uganda Kobs, waterbucks, and several other antelopes and waterfowl may be seen. The array of species on offer will impress birders, including the elusive Shoebill stork, Goliath heron, Pelicans, bee-eaters, Egyptian geese, kingfishers, cormorants, and hornbills. The journey concludes with a stunning view of Murchison Falls from the tranquil waters.

Sambiya Lodge Bandas for budget guests, Pakuba Game Lodge for mid-range travelers and Paraa Safari Lodge for luxury travelers will provide dinner.

Day 3: Full day Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park with stops to see the countryside

Get up at your leisure and eat breakfast before departing for Queen Elizabeth National Park. We don’t anticipate you becoming bored with the voyage. This is a moment to see a developing country and express your thoughts to the Guide/Driver on what needs to be done to improve conditions. Aside from that, spend some time exploring the naturally gorgeous scenery of western Uganda.

For budget tourists, dinner and overnight at Simba Safari Lodge or Buffalo Safari Lodge. Mid-range visitors will stay at Katara Lodge, while luxury visitors will stay at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 4: Game drive at the Kasenyi Plains; – Boat cruise at the Kazinga Channel

Early in the morning, go to the Kasenyi plains, where you will view herds of elephants, hyenas, leopards, lions, and other antelope species. Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of Uganda’s greatest birding destinations. The park has over 495 bird species documented, including falcons, eagles, raptors, black-bee eaters, and 11 species of Kingfishers.6 Days Murchison Falls

After the morning game drive, you will be escorted for lunch as you prepare for the Kazinga channel launch cruise. The Kazinga Waterway in Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the greatest spots in Africa to see animals. It features a huge diversity of marine creatures. The waterway joins Lake George and Lake Edward and is a popular retreat for many park animals. It’s difficult to find a finer area to spot birds if you’re a birder. The strange-looking Marabou stork, bronze-tailed starling, crowned cranes, and fish eagles will be seen. The hippo population in the Kazinga waterway is among the largest in Africa. You will see buffaloes, elephants, and other predators drinking or bathing in the lake while on the boat tour.

6 Days Murchison FallsFor budget tourists, dinner and overnight at Simba Safari Lodge or Buffalo Safari Lodge. Mid-range travelers will stay at Katara Lodge while luxury travelers will go to Mweya safari lodge

Day 5: Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura Gorge of Queen Elizabeth National Park

Before commencing your trek to Kyambura Gorge, get up early and eat breakfast. This subterranean forest is one of Queen Elizabeth National Park’s most spectacular features. Human action damaged the sole forest corridor Safari in Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda linking to neighboring woods, trapping a group of chimpanzees. The chimps could traverse the savanna to another forest, but it would be too perilous given the terrible predators wandering the plains. Researchers and environmentalists are concerned about their seclusion because inbreeding might result in mutations. The Kyambura Gorge is home to chimps as well as vervet monkeys, colobus monkeys, and baboons. Hippos and elephants live in the river that flows through the gorge. Several park animals visit the gorge during the dry months of the year in search of water and food.

For budget tourists, dinner and overnight at Simba Safari Lodge or Buffalo Safari Lodge. Mid-range visitors will stay at Katara Lodge, while luxury visitors will stay at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 6: Tree Climbing Lions of Ishasha –  Transfer Back to Kampala

You should be fatigued after all of the exciting activities in the park. Wake up at your leisure, eat breakfast, and be ready to return to Kampala or Entebbe. On your route to Kampala, you’ll pass through the Ishasha plains, where you may see Uganda’s tree-climbing lions. You’ll travel a separate path that will take you to several regions, including Mbarara. Keep an eye out for the stunning scenery and natural features of western Uganda, particularly Kasese. You should take photographs at the Masaka Equator crossing. You will have lunch and buy crafts at the equator crossing. later dropping you at the airport for your departure flight or at the hotel for your late flight.

End Of Tour


  • 4×4 safari vehicle
  • A tour guide
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Gorilla permit
  • Drinking water


  • Tips
  • Insurance
  • Β Visas
  • International flights
  • Beverages
  • Laundry services

Contact Monumental Expeditions: Send us and email and we shall get back to you as soon as possible.

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