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Antelopes in Uganda

Antelopes in Uganda, Uganda’s broad grasslands and forested bushlands sustain Africa’s most diverse variety of small, medium, and giant antelope.

Antelopes in Uganda belong to the Bovidae family, which includes our domestic cattle. Bovidae is divided into four fundamental groups: grazers (wildebeest and hartebeest), selective grazers (steenbok, oribi, waterbuck, reedbuck, roan, sable, and oryx), grazers and browsers (tsessebe, impala, eland, and gazelles), and browsers (tsessebe, impala, eland, and gazelles) (bushbuck and kudu).

Antelope are indeed ruminants. They have four stomachs for forage in multiple levels of digestion, and they recycle already-swallowed grain by gnawing the cud.

Uganda is home to 29 antelope species, accounting for around one-third of the African total. Five of the Ugandan species fall into the category of giant antelope, with a shoulder height of more than 120 cm.

Antelopes in Uganda include the medium-sized ones and these are eight, with shoulder heights ranging from 75 to 90 centimeters. The rest are little antelope with shoulder heights ranging from 30cm to 60cm.

The large antelopes include
  • common eland
  • greater kudu
  • hartebeest
  • defassa waterbuck
  • topis
  • roan antelope
Medium sized antelopes
  • uganda kob
  • bush buck
  • sitatunga
  • lesser kudu
  • impala
  • reedbuck
  • grant’s gazelle
Small sized antelopes
  • oribis
  • guenther’s dik dik
  • common duikers
  • forest duikers
  • bates pygmy
  • klipspringer
Habitants of antelopes

Antelopes in Uganda

Antelopes in Uganda are also found in practically every ecosystem in Africa. Wild herbivores thrive everywhere people have not substantially disturbed the soil. Wildebeest and its alcelaphine ancestors prefer broad and forested grassland because it provides more predator shelter.

Impalas, on the other hand, love woods, while certain duiker species prefer dense, almost rainforest-like flora. Riverine strips and transition zones between plant types are also used by some species.

Gazelle has adapted to a wide range of habitats, from arid to semi-arid, and in the case of springbok and some Grant’s subspecies, to watered grassland preferred by Thomson’s gazelle. Roan and sable prefer grasslands with plenty of bush and tree cover, as well as well-watered grasslands and wooded valleys. Oryx, on the other hand, prefers arid environments and can survive in total desert conditions. Oryx (or gemsbok as it is called in Southern Africa) is water-independent, just like the steenbok.

All reduncinae antelope species enjoy wetlands or tall, tussocked, marshy grasses. Wet meadows and hill marshes are also linked with highland reedbuck.

Alcelaphine is found in low concentrations in arid to sub-humid areas, preferring dense cover such as shady, broken forest, and bushland. This is also true for larger kudu and nyala. The long-hoofed sitatunga, which thrives in swamps and marshy lakeside habitats across eastern Africa, and eland, which regularly roams as high as 14,850 feet, are two prominent outliers. Small antelope may be found in a variety of environments, including woodlands, thickets, kopjes, rock outcrops, and open grasslands.


Rejuvenation and breeding

Antelopes in UgandaEven during mating season, certain male antelope (including gazelles such as springbok) and alcelaphine (including wildebeest and tsessebe) are territorial. Males establish domains and try to keep females from fleeing, notwithstanding their proclivity to move on when the grass supply diminishes.

Apart from the unusual territorial male mournfully maintaining his position after the mating season, springbok and impala are rarely observed alone. The majority of herds have less than 100 animals. Surprisingly, the antelope breeding season coincides with the arrival of the rains.

In addition, the impala is so good at anticipating the rains that they will delay giving birth for more than two weeks if the rains are late. Given that impala has a six-month reproductive cycle, this is a tremendous achievement. Once it rains it’s a  “bush baby” safari season (typically early December), and one may spot juveniles of all antelope species.

The steenbok and duiker form lifelong bonds and are territorial. According to the period and local factors, territory sizes can range from 165 to 1,650 feet across. Because the animals have such restricted territory, they can pinpoint the exact position and season of food plants, as well as the optimal exit points and concealing spots. They mature sexually in less than a year. Gestation lasts around six months. With a generally consistent food production, two births per year are achievable. The baby animal will abandon its parents’ area before the age of two.

Waterbuck, puku, lechwe, and other reedbuck species live in tiny, loose groups of adult females and young, migrating through a world controlled by males. Groups of 10 to 15 animals are uncommon. Lechwe takes a different approach to the territorial subject. They create a “lek,” or territorial breeding area, where dominant males demonstrate and mate with females. Gestation lasts around nine months until a single calf is born.

Female sexual adulthood starts at 18 months of age in the genus Alcelaphine. Males continue to develop past sexual maturity, resulting in a growing disparity between the sexes. After around six months of gestation, a single calf is born. Calves are weaned between the ages of 3 and 4 months.

The eland group is often composed of a few females and young, as well as a territorial adult male. This man will ultimately mate with the ladies in the group. Females attain sexual maturity at the age of three. During the height of formation, tiny groups would congregate into hundreds of elands, which can be regarded semi mobile because they travel long distances.

Hippostraginae (roan, sable, and oryx) have a matriarchal order, which results in small herds of five to twenty animals with varied degrees of men in the workplace. Female herds in sable range across neighboring male territory. In roan, a solitary male follows the females; in oryx, male groups follow the females for most of the year, but only the dominant male mates.