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The best time to visit Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in southwestern Uganda is during the dry seasons, which occur from December to February and from June to September. Here’s why these periods are recommended.



The dry seasons offer pleasant weather conditions with lower chances of rainfall. The temperatures are generally moderate, making it comfortable for outdoor activities such as gorilla tracking, hiking, and bird watching.



The dry seasons make the park more accessible as the roads and trails are less muddy and easier to navigate. This is particularly important for activities like gorilla tracking and hiking, where the terrain can be challenging.


Wildlife Viewing

During the dry seasons, wildlife tends to concentrate around water sources, making it easier to spot animals. You’ll have better chances of encountering various wildlife species, including gorillas, golden monkeys, buffaloes, and birds.


Gorilla Tracking

If your primary interest is gorilla tracking, the dry seasons are ideal. The drier weather makes it easier to trek through the forest and locate the gorilla groups. However, it’s important to note that gorilla tracking permits are in high demand year-round, so it’s advisable to book well in advance.


Bird Watching

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is a fantastic destination for birdwatching, and the dry seasons offer excellent opportunities to spot a variety of bird species. Many birds are more active during this time, making it easier to observe and appreciate their vibrant colors and behaviors.


It’s worth noting that Mgahinga Gorilla National Park can be visited throughout the year, and each season has its own unique charm. However, the wet seasons, which are from March to May and October to November, can bring heavy rainfall, making the trails muddy and potentially impacting certain activities. Nonetheless, if you don’t mind the rain and prefer a quieter experience with fewer tourists, visiting during the wet seasons can still be rewarding.