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Birding at Kidepo Valley National ParkBirding at Kidepo Valley National Park | Birding safari | Bird-watching safari

Birding enthusiasts will find Kidepo Valley National Park in Uganda to be a true paradise. With its diverse habitats and remote location, the park offers excellent opportunities for birdwatching. Here are some key aspects of birding at Kidepo Valley National Park.

Rich Birdlife

Kidepo Valley National Park is home to over 475 bird species, making it one of the most biodiverse areas for avian life in Uganda. The park’s varied habitats, including savannah, woodland, rocky outcrops, and riverine vegetation, attract a wide range of bird species.


Kidepo Valley is renowned for its impressive raptor population. Keep an eye out for raptors like African fish eagles, martial eagles, tawny eagles, pygmy falcons, and vultures soaring overhead or perched on prominent vantage points.

Specialized Species

The park is known for its specialized bird species that are typically found in the Karamoja region of Uganda. Look for the Karamoja apalis, Karamoja olive pigeon, Karamoja cisticola, and Karamoja seedeater, which are endemic to this area.


Kidepo Valley National Park is one of the few places in Uganda where you can spot ostriches. These magnificent birds are often seen in the open grasslands of the park, especially in the Narus Valley.


The Narus and Kidepo Rivers within the park attract various waterbirds. Keep an eye out for African jacanas, African pygmy geese, Goliath herons, and several species of kingfishers, among others.

Albertine Rift Endemics

Although Kidepo Valley National Park is not part of the Albertine Rift Valley, it is located close enough to the region to offer sightings of some Albertine Rift endemic species. Look for the yellow-eyed black flycatcher, purple-breasted sunbird, and the beautiful Abyssinian ground hornbill.

Birding Hotspots

The Narus Valley and Apoka Rest Camp are considered birding hotspots within the park. These areas provide a mix of habitats and are known for their high bird diversity. Exploring the woodland areas, riverbanks, and open grasslands in these locations can yield rewarding birdwatching experiences.

To get the most out of your birdwatching experience in Kidepo Valley National Park, it is advised that you hire a competent birding guide or join a guided birding trip. These specialists will assist with identifying species, locating birds within their habitats, and providing vital insights into the park’s avian life.

For birding trips, remember to bring binoculars, a field guide, and proper attire. Early mornings and late afternoons are often the ideal periods for birding since bird activity is at its highest.