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Lake Mburo National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers, boasting a rich variety of bird species. With its diverse habitats, including wetlands, acacia woodlands, and grassy plains, the park provides excellent opportunities for birding. Here’s what you can expect when birding at Lake Mburo National Park.


Abundant Birdlife

Lake Mburo National Park is home to over 350 bird species, making it a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. You can encounter a wide range of colorful and unique bird species, including waterbirds, raptors, woodland birds, and savannah species.


Wetland Birds

The park’s wetlands, including Lake Mburo itself, attract numerous waterbird species. You can spot African fish eagles, pied kingfishers, herons, egrets, African jacanas, and various types of ducks and geese. The shores and papyrus swamps are particularly rewarding for birdwatching.


Grassland Species

The grassy plains of Lake Mburo National Park are home to several grassland bird species. Look out for red-faced barbets, black-bellied bustards, temminck’s courser, coqui francolins, and African wattled lapwings among others. These birds are adapted to the open savannahs and can be spotted while driving or walking through the park.


Woodland and Forest Birds

The acacia woodlands and patches of forest in the park harbor a variety of bird species. Keep an eye out for birds like the grey-backed fiscal, African scops owl, green wood hoopoe, red-headed lovebird, and Nubian woodpecker. Exploring these habitats on foot or during guided walks can enhance your chances of encountering forest and woodland birds.


Seasonal Migrants

Lake Mburo National Park serves as a stopover for many migratory bird species. During the wet season (November to April), you may have the opportunity to spot species such as the northern carmine bee-eater, Wahlberg’s eagle, and yellow-throated longclaw.


Experienced Birding Guides

To make the most of your birding experience, it’s recommended to hire an experienced birding guide or join guided birding tours. These guides are knowledgeable about the park’s bird species, their behavior, and habitats, increasing your chances of spotting and identifying different birds.


Bird Hides and Observation Points

Lake Mburo National Park has designated bird hides and observation points strategically located near water sources and prime birding areas. These provide excellent vantage points for birdwatching and photography.

Bring binoculars, a field guide, and a notepad to keep track of your observations. It’s also critical to follow the park’s rules and keep a safe distance from the birds and their habitats to prevent upsetting them. Birding in Lake Mburo National Park is a wonderful experience for both expert birdwatchers and enthusiasts looking to explore Uganda’s varied avian life.