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Birding Trips In Budongo Forest – Murchison Falls National Park Uganda.

Birding trips in Budongo Forest

Birding trips in Budongo Forest – Murchison falls National Park Uganda.

Budongo Forest, in the Masindi area of mid-western Uganda, is a popular destination for birdwatching excursions. It takes around three to four hours to get to Budongo Forest from Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda. The Budongo Forest extends around 793 square kilometers. The largest forest preserve in the world, home to ancient ironwood and mahogany trees. Trees at Budongo may reach a height of 80 meters, making it the tallest Mahogany forest in East Africa.

In addition to 600–800 chimpanzees, the forest is home to other uncommon bird species, such as the chocolate-backed kingfisher, puvel’s illadopsis, and lemon-bellied crombec. The most popular ecotourism destinations in Budongo Forest Reserve are Kaniyo Pabidi and Busingiro. Budongo woodland is home to two endemic bird species—the yellow-footed flycatcher and the Puvel’s illadopsis—that are otherwise absent from East Africa. While ‘The Royal Mile’ in Busingiro is the greatest spot to see birds, the simpler to explore Kaniyo Pabidi also has great woodland birding.

Forest birds of Budongo.

Some of the notable bird species you will encounter within the Budongo forest Trail include the Hairy-breasted Barbet, the Blue-breasted Kingfisher, the Nahan’s Francolin, the Cassin’s Spine tail, the Fire-crested Alethe, the Dwarf Kingfisher, the Black-capped Apalis, the Blue-throated Roller, the Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat, the Ituri Batis, the Lemon-bellied Crombec, the Rufous-crowned Eremomela, the Western-black Headed Oriole, the Piping Hornbill, the Spotted Greenbul, the Yellow-browed Camaroptera, the Sabine’s Spine tail, the Chocolate-backed Kingfisher, the Yellow-billed Barbet, the Grey-headed Sunbird, the Yellow-spotted Barbet, the Brown-eared Woodpecker, the Chestnut-caped Flycatcher, the Yellow-crested Woodpecker, the White-spotted Fluff tail, the White-thighed Hornbill, the Afri Kingdom of the Royal Mile’s animal creatures.

Birding trips in Budongo Forest – Murchison falls National Park Uganda.

Chimpanzees, olive baboons, black-and-white Colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, duikers, elephants, and other antelope species are all found in Royal Mile.

When to Visit Budongo Forest to See the Most Birds

Budongo Forest is a great place to see birds at any time of year, but especially from February through April and September. Many birds are in their breeding plumage from June to September, and food is plentiful at this time since it is the major fruiting season.

From November to April, the woodland is a stop for migrating birds.It rains the least from December to February and the most from April to May and September to October. There can be holdups because roads are too flooded from the recent rains. You may not get as much bird-watching done if the hiking paths are slippery. If you’re interested in going birding in Budongo Forest or exploring Murchison Falls National Park, Monumental Expeditions and Safaris can assist you with that.