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Can I Touch A Gorilla?

Can I touch a Gorilla?

Can I touch a Gorilla? | Gorilla trekking safaris | Gorilla trekking guidelines in Uganda and Rwanda | Gorilla permits bookings

Because mountain gorillas are wild creatures, the gorilla trekking standards require that every trekker stay at least 7 metres away from them. As a result, no! It is not suggested to touch a gorilla, even if curious youngsters (infants) who are playful may come and play on you; nonetheless, do not be alarmed and remain calm. Their mother and dominant silverback keep a close watch on them and are quite protective of them. There will be times when gorillas may approach you, and you should remain still.

However, because gorillas are generally peaceful, some people mistake them for tamed animals. It is important to realise that gorillas are wild creatures. Regardless of their kind demeanour, you should never believe you can touch or get near gorillas. When the gorillas give birth, the situation gets more perilous. Though many people want to view gorillas with offspring, it should be mentioned that such families require greater caution.

Is a gorilla friendly to humans?

Yes, gorillas are typically considered to be calm and compassionate animals, and they are thought to contain 98% human DNA. Gorillas are gregarious creatures who are only threatened by people when they feel threatened.

Can I touch a Gorilla? How powerful is a gorilla grip?

Gorillas are so strong that they can shatter bamboo sticks, which is equivalent to being 20 times stronger than the typical man. Gorillas are considered powerful because a Silverback’s grasp is so strong that it can easily crush a crocodile.

What does a gorilla fear?

Mountain gorillas are supposed to be terrified of reptiles such as chameleons and caterpillars, for unclear reasons. If they notice a caterpillar or chameleon, the young gorillas, who are usually inherently playful, will get out of the way. They are also scared of water and will only cross streams if they can avoid getting wet, such as by walking over fallen logs, and they loathe rain.

Can you get along with a gorilla?

Mountain gorillas are kind and gentle creatures, despite being muscular, huge, strong, and clever. Gorillas are friendly unless you enter their territory, taunt, threaten, try to hurt their infants, or offend them. They become aggressive only when they are disturbed, and when they charge, they react with vigorous bites, thumping, and breaking ribs. If a person is not rescued, a gorilla will kill them.

That is why, before wild mountain gorillas may be friendly or habituated to grow accustomed to human presence, rangers and researchers must go through a two-year process of acclimating gorillas to human presence. Even if a gorilla troop is habituated, people on gorilla trekking safaris and tours in Africa must obey certain restrictions.

What should a gorilla be done with?

Keep at least 7 metres away from the gorillas (social separation). It is recommended that you stay at least 7 metres (23 feet) away from the gorillas at all times. This is to prevent scaring or upsetting the gorillas, and it is also a method of “social distancing” with the gorillas to limit any disease transmission between gorillas and people, as some human diseases can harm the gorillas. However, lively and inquisitive youngsters may approach you to watch you. Sometimes an adult will just enjoy where you are and will move, sit, or stop right next to you. Step back until you are around seven metres away, or keep going back as long as the gorilla is approaching you until you can no longer move. If you are in the gorilla’s path and it is approaching you, step back and let it continue on its way.

Avoid making direct eye contact with the silverback gorilla. Making eye contact with the silverback gorilla indicates to him that you are threatening his supremacy. He’ll become irritated and charge at you. Please turn away as soon as you catch yourself staring at the silverback gorilla. Of course, staring into the gentle giant’s blazing, large, reddish-brown eyes is enticing and hypnotic.
Use no flash with the camera. Before approaching the gorillas, turn off the camera’s flash. The flash from the camera confuses and scares the gorillas. It may also elicit a charge from the silverback gorilla.

Make no unexpected moves.

Avoid making rapid movements, such as sprinting or plucking branches, when in the area of the numerous gorillas. If the gorillas feel threatened, they may escape or elicit a charging charge from the silverback. Maintain close contact with your group. Avoid isolating yourself from the rest of your tracking group. Maintain close proximity to the group so that the silverback cannot readily select you out if he becomes upset.
Speak in hushed tones (whispers). Keep your voice quiet, since gorillas want tranquilly. If you must talk, do so quietly.
Crouch and look down if a silverback charges you. This is uncommon, but it can happen if you approach too close to him or any of his members, or if you do anything that irritates him. If the silverback charges at you, be calm and do not flee. Crouch and look below.
Eat away from the gorillas. The gorillas eat only vegetation found in their natural environment. Any unfamiliar meal might disturb their digestive system and kill them.