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Gorilla Tracking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Gorilla tracking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Gorilla tracking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

tracking of gorillas The primary draws of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP) are its populations of mountain gorillas and gorilla tracking. In the BINP, gorilla tracking is available in four locations: Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo. As of December 2018, there were roughly 18 families spread among the 4 locations. Prior to tracking, tracking permits must be obtained.

These can be purchased through Monumental Expeditions and Safaris or directly from the reservations office at Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) Headquarters. Payment for permits may be made up to two years ahead of time. Learn more about Bwindi’s top gorilla trekking area.

A maximum of eight guests each day, who must be at least fifteen years old, are permitted to see the gorillas for an hour. Additionally, UWA guides will accompany them when they see the gorillas.

Depending on how far the group has migrated since it was last seen setting up its nest the previous evening, tracking the gorillas can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a full day. Learn more about Uganda’s age restriction for gorilla trekking.

Tracking gorillas in the impenetrable Bwindi National Park

The friendly mood of the park provides proof of adventure amidst breathtaking scenery as soon as you walk in. An unforgettable experience is a day-long “trek” in the Bwindi forests with a knowledgeable guide who breaks down the gorillas’ behavior for you.

Gorilla tracking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.Gorilla hiking safaris typically begin at Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo. Every day, starting at 8:00 a.m., entrance gates are opened for two to four hours. Since spending more than an hour with a gorilla family is the maximum amount of time permitted, visitors are expected to plan their time wisely.

When to go gorilla tracking in the Impenetrable National Park of Bwindi

Because the park is easily accessible throughout the two dry seasons, these are the ideal times to visit the location for monitoring. The paths are not as muddy as they are during the rainy season, and it is the ideal time to walk through dense woodlands. The best two dry seasons for gorilla safaris are from June to October and from mid-December to the end of February. That being said, gorilla tracking tourism is available all year round.

The route to the impenetrable Bwindi National Park.
Via bus

Public bus transportation from Kampala to Buhoma, Kabile, and Kisoro is arranged; for additional information, please get in touch with Monumental Expeditions and Safaris.

Individual four-wheel drive vehicle

You can also take a 4×4 automobile to any section of Bwindi because the roads leading to the park entrance are unpaved.

By plane

Daily scheduled flights are available, but they need to be reserved well in advance through your neighborhood Monumental Expeditions and Safaris, an Africa travel expert in Uganda.


Gorilla Forest Camp, Chameleon Hill Lodge, Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge, Bwindi Lodge, Buhoma Lodge, Engagi Lodge, Lake Mutanda Resort,

Broadbill Forest Camp, Gorilla Safari Lodge, Gorilla Mist Lodge, Four Gorillas Lodge, Rushaga Gorilla Camp.Gorilla tracking and gorilla acclimatization safaris to Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are arranged by Monumental Expeditions and Safaris.