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Great Wildebeest Migration and Uganda Gorilla Trekking

Great Wildebeest Migration and Uganda Gorilla Trekking

Different people have speedily gotten involved in gorilla trekking being a very memorable venture which brings you close with these gentle giants in their natural territory. And this has given confidence to these trekkers to push further like flying to Tanzania, Kenya to observe the wandering/ migration of wildebeest & other plain game crossing the Mara river looking for new pastures. In other wards after this incredible activity (Gorilla Trekking), Fly and tour Tanzania & Kenya for the Wildebeest Migration.

Gorilla Trekking  Permit Costs. 

A Combination of Gorilla trekking activity and great migration will be very incredible not forgetting Gorilla permits in Uganda cost $800. Rwanda’s Gorilla permit for Volcanoes National Park costs $1500 per person and always recommended to purchase them early.

Wildebeest Migration.

Wildebeest migration is one of the most extraordinary existences when you denote about Wildlife Tours in Africa. This occurs every year where the wildebeest transfer back and forth from Serengeti National park in Tanzania to Masai Mara Game reserve in Kenya. Over 2 million wildebeest and other ordinary game wander/drift/migrate crossing the Mara river in quest for new pastures. Tourists are always profound to book a tour to spot these remarkable instants where wildebeest dip/bath/swim in deep waters crawling with crocodiles at an effort to search for greener pastures.

What you should know about when planning your wildebeest migration tour

  1. Where to go.The wildebeest can be viewed in both the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara National park in Kenya, but the Mara stands out as the best place to spot this marvel given that the wildebeest wander to the Mara during the peak season which ideally pairs as the best period to for an African Tour.
  2.  What to expect during the wildebeest migration in Masai Mara.There will be over 2 million wildebeest wandering from Serengeti National Park(Tanzania) to the Masai Mara(Kenya), therefore if you tour the Masai Mara during this season expect to spot lots of wildlife in the park, during this period as related to other times of the year. Some of the prominent wildlife you will see include the wildebeest, Zebras, Thompson Gazelles, ostriches, hartebeests, lions, elephants, cheetahs, leopards, buffaloes, hyena’s, warthogs, crocodiles, hippos and several others of wildlife that are originate in the Masai Mara.
  3.  Where to stay during the wildebeest migration (Accommodation).There are numerous lodges within the Masai Mara game reserve and also in the conservation area codes around the park where you can stay during your wildebeest migration tours, this type of accommodation arrays from simple camps, simple lodges, average/medium level lodges and deluxe lodges. Some of these famous lodges involve Mara Sidai & Manyatta camp (budget), Mara Sentrim, Simba Oryx (mid-range), Mara Sopa lodge, Mara leisure lodge, Sarova lodge, Mara Simba lodge (luxury). There are also private camps which can be booked for customers who want privacy during their stay in the Mara.
  4. How to get to the Masai-Mara for the migration safari (Travel option).There are several companies which present tours to Masai Mara and the various packages present diverse means of transport for you to entree the Masai Mara. At Explore Masai Mara tours, we present both road tours and flying tours for our visitors who want to tour the Masai Mara.
  5. When to book your migration tour to Masai-Mara.The wildebeest migration entices various travelers each year and is therefore a very modest activity. The lodges prove to sell out for the peak season by January of the year. Therefore, it’s prudent for you to book your migration tour at least 6-7 months’ prior your planned travel dates. However last minute bookings are also allowed and you can be recommended accordingly reliant on availability of space at the various lodges.