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Kahuzi-Biega National Park

Kahuzi-Biega National Park, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s South Kivu region, is the last area in the world where visitors may go on a lowland gorilla tracking safari. In 1975, the park was increased to its current size of 6000 km2, and it is separated into two zones that are linked in the centre.

Kahuzi-Biega National Park

The eastern part is modest but high, reaching 3300 m, and is densely forested with wetlands and bamboo woods. This region’s dense jungles go up to 2300 metres above sea level. The park’s western section, known as the Central Congo Basin, is substantially bigger but only reaches 1200 m. The park is particularly well-known for its two majestic mountains, Mont Biega (2790 m) and Mont Kahuzi (3308 m).

It is thought that there are less than 5,000 gorillas left alive. These gorillas wander in groups and may be traced with the aid of local guides and park guides who watch the gorillas’ movements in the park. In addition to elephants, antelope, and buffalo, the dense forests and marshes are home to a variety of primates, including the colobus monkey and the chimp. It also has around 40 different species of amphibians and 69 different types of reptiles, which you may view while gorilla tracking. The park’s varied elevation allows it to support a diverse diversity of animals and plants.

More than 1,000 plant species have been found in the park’s eastern portion alone. Because of the high humidity, falling leaves and animals in the park decompose quickly; it is so warm that fallen leaves may be re-digested into the soil in as little as two months.

Humans live on Kahuzi-Biega as well as a more recognisable primate. The Pygmies are the region’s oldest residents, having lived there for almost 2500 years. They generally subsist by hunting and gathering, although some are now employed within the park, and attempts are underway to improve their access to education and services more frequently found in populous regions.

The Bashi people that dwell in the park are subsistence farmers who grow bananas for banana beer. Take the chance to see these people while on your Congo Tour and learn how they eat, work, and exist in peace with the birds and monsters of the jungle.

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