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Large Mammals of Queen Elizabeth National Park | African Large Mammals 

Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda is home to a diverse array of large mammals. Here are some of the notable large mammal species you can find in the park.


African elephants

Queen Elizabeth National Park supports a healthy population of African elephants. These majestic creatures can be seen roaming the grasslands, woodlands, and along the park’s water sources.


African buffaloes

Often found in large herds, African buffaloes are a common sight in the park. They are known for their robust build and impressive horns, and they play a crucial role in shaping the park’s ecosystems.


Ugandan kobs

Ugandan kobs are the flagship antelope species of the park. They have a reddish-brown coat, with males sporting magnificent spiraled horns. These antelopes are often found in open grasslands.


Defassa waterbuck

The park is home to Defassa waterbucks, which are larger than other waterbuck species. They have a shaggy brown coat and distinctive white markings on their rumps.


African lions

Queen Elizabeth National Park is known for its population of African lions. They can be spotted in grassland and savannah areas, with the Ishasha sector being particularly famous for its tree-climbing lions.



Leopards, although elusive, inhabit the park’s forests and can sometimes be seen resting or hunting in trees. They are skilled climbers and well-adapted to the park’s diverse habitats.


Spotted hyenas

The park is home to a population of spotted hyenas. These scavengers and predators are known for their distinct spotted coats and vocalizations, often heard during the night.


Nile hippos

Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to a significant population of Nile hippos. They can be observed in the park’s water bodies, including the Kazinga Channel, where they wallow and swim.


Nile crocodiles

The Kazinga Channel is also home to Nile crocodiles, which are one of Africa’s largest crocodile species. They can be seen sunbathing on riverbanks or partially submerged in the water.



Warthogs, with their distinct facial warts and tusks, can be found throughout the park. They are often seen foraging in grasslands and savannah areas.


These are just a few examples of the large mammal species found in Queen Elizabeth National Park. The park’s diverse ecosystems and habitats support a wide range of wildlife, providing visitors with excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing and safari experiences.