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Royal Mile Budongo Forest, Busingiro Uganda – Murchison Falls National Park.

Royal Mile Budongo forest, Busingiro Uganda

Royal Mile Budongo forest, Busingiro Uganda – Murchison falls National Park.

The Royal Mile is located in the 793 km2 Budongo Forest Reserve, which is part of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom. Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom is situated at the edge of the Albertine Rift and is connected to Kabalega Falls National Park, which has been renamed Murchison Falls, to the south. The Royal Mile, well-known for being a favorite area for Uganda’s royals to take leisure breaks, is an excellent place to go birding with a wide variety of sought-after key species and many west and central African species.

Omukama of Bunyoro, Kabalega, is the source of the name of the Royal Mile. Omukama Kabalega constructed this magnificent one-mile forest road as a military training field for his Abarusura Army. Before being detained in Dokolo and banished to the Seychelles Islands, he is said to have escaped from the colonialists over this same route.

The route begins with a straightforward gate and then slopes gently towards River Sonso through a vast, undeveloped hardwood tree symphony that rises high above the earth, seemingly in competition with the heavens. Because of this, a guided birding tour along the Royal Mile is among the best options in Uganda.

Royal Mile birds.

The Royal Mile buongo woodland is home to a variety of bird species. In addition, there are many species that are unique to the Albertine Rift region, like the yellow-footed flycatcher and Illadopsis puveli, which are exclusive to the path. The Hairy-breasted Barbet, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Nahan’s Francolin, Cassin’s Spine tail, Fire-crested Alethe, Dwarf Kingfisher, Black-capped Apalis, Blue-throated Roller, Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat, Ituri Batis, Lemon-bellied Crombec, Rufous-crowned Eremomela, Western-black Headed Oriole, Piping Hornbill, Spotted Greenbul, Yellow-browed Camaroptera, Sabine’s Spine tail, Chocolate-backed Kingfisher, Yellow-billed Barbet, Grey-headed Sunbird, Brown-eared Woodpecker, Chestnut-caped Flycatcher, Yellow-crested Woodpecker, White-thighed Hornbill, African Crowned Eagle, and Red-capped Robin-Chat, to name a few.

Royal Mile Budongo forest, Busingiro Uganda – Murchison falls National Park.

Animal species found along the Royal Mile.

Chimpanzees, olive baboons, black-and-white Colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, antelopes such as bush bucks, duikers, gigantic forest hogs, and elephants are among the many primate species found in Royal Mile.

When is the best time to visit Royal Mile?

The dry seasons, which run from December to late February and June to September, are the ideal times to visit Murchison Falls National Park because this is when the animals concentrate around water sources, making it easier to see them.

It’s also important to remember that the park is often green throughout the rainy seasons of March, April, May, and September, October, and November.

Directions to the Royal Mile.
From the Murchison Falls

The road from Masindi to Royal Mile can be slick, thus the 130 km stretch from the Paraa boat to Masindi is best traveled in a four-wheel drive vehicle.

From Kampala through Nakasongola and Luwero

From Kampala, you can also take the 245 kilometer road that passes through Luwero and Nakasongola to Royal Mile, where you can also see rhinos in the Ziwa rhino reserve.

Where to lodge

While there are lodging options on Royal Mile, visitors can also stay in Masindi Town, Masindi Hotel, and Court View Hotel, which are all close by.To schedule any activity around the Royal Mile Budongo Forest-Busingiro Uganda and wildlife safaris, get in touch with Monumental Expeditions and Safaris.