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Murchison falls National Park Uganda
Safari Uganda Murchison Falls National Park
A Uganda safari Murchison Falls National Park is the most exciting adventure one can have, to tour the oldest and largest National Park in Uganda. This park is located in the northern part of Albertine Rift Valley, place where huge Bunyoro Escarpment merge into massive plains of Acholi land, it was formerly called Kabalega National Park. Being the ancient conservation area, in 1926 it was named a game reserve set with a purpose to protect the Savannah grassland that was stated by Winston Churchill in 1907 as the finest Kew Gardens together with the Wildlife unified on a regulated land. Murchison falls National Park has an area coverage of 3,893 km 2 ,lies in an altitude of 615 m-1187 m above sea-level. With a thunderous roar of the falls, the Nile river forces itself from this narrow gorge powering down, these falls are the most powerful falls in the world.
Murchison Falls National Park is accredited for receiving prominent tourists/visitors due to a series of activities that take place on it. The fabulous setting of this National Park and the Wildlife safari in the Northern part of Murchison falls like the lions, Buffalos, Elephants, Rhinos, Leopards (home of the Big-Five), bushbucks, giraffes, etc. This National park does also cover a vast part of Budongo Forest which is a home for several primates like Chimpanzees inclusive. Activities like Game drives, Boat cruise, hiking on top of the powerful falls, Cycling along the Nile Corridor of the falls, etc. The below are the most engaged in activities at this park.
- Game Drives in Murchison Falls National Park.
This park being a home of over 76 mammals like Buffalos, giraffes, lions, antelopes to mention but a few,451 bird species, plus many other animals being scattered in the savannah grasslands in search for what to eat. Game drive activity gives you an opportunity to widely view the high concentration of wildlife in the northern part of the park. You are able to spot predators like lions planning their move to get their prey-an amazing experience.
Hiking and Nature walks in Murchison Falls.
The varied settings and huge landscapes right from the Savannah plains to the swamps-the forests, the wonderful wildlife, grand culture and the powerful falls on Victoria Nile, all this makes this National Park look tremendous for unique safaris. So most attractive features can well be viewed while on foot, well discovered where varying tracks can be followed like to the top of the falls, the Rabongo forest and so on. Therefore, nature admirers & Birders will relish the Hiking and the Nature walks in this park as they stroll through the low hills, gaps of Riverine forests since there is a lot of Flora & Fauna will be nearly viewed.
Boat cruise
This activity has always proven to be the most entertaining amongst the rest of the activities done in /on this park. Activities like hiking on top of the falls and Birding in the Albert delta are only possible because of the Boat cruise. Murchison Falls National Park has gotten existence of 2 Boat cruises that is to say ‘The bottom of the falls boat cruise & Albert Delta boat cruise’.
a). The bottom of the falls boat cruise
This is the most admired form of boat cruise since it connects straight to the activity of hiking on top of the falls. It starts from Paraa dock straight to the upstream towards the falls, the boat sails through a total of Hippos floating on water, showering Elephants at the river banks, crocodiles, wonderful birds, etc. What an experience, reaching the bottom of the falls, though the boat doesn’t get close to the devil’s. Boat cruise gives you an opportunity to wide view/spot wildlife on and along the water and very closely.
b). The Albert Delta cruise
This form of boat cruise also starts from Paraa and the boat swiftly sails on the gently Nile waters, so after loosing its power from the falls ‘plunge pull’. The boat cruises down the stream where the river separates up producing several floating islands of papyrus zones. This a trip down stream(sun downers) because its normally done in the evening, still it’s this boat cruise where you can spy the primal shoebill stork. It’s so lovely in that you get caught up in the moment with nature’s greatness as you view the dusk falling, whilst the sunsets falling down from sky. Actually this is the most perfect time for you to take photos.
Hot Air Ballooning at Murchison Falls National Park.
Through this activity one is able to view widely off road wildlife that is hidden, fascinating features in the park, the credible setting of Murchison falls National Park, the views of lake Albert and Victoria, etc. Of which once done you are treated to a Bush breakfast experience in the wilderness. This activity takes approximately 1 hr and its safari/trip goes for a cost of $380 per person.
Birding in Murchison falls National Park.
This park is highly considered as the ranking destination for various bird species thus encouraging and promoting Birding as an activity. It houses about 451 bird species with Albertine Rift endemic birds, water birds & savannah birds. Watching these birds fly, swim, swing and so on is the most enticing experience that you wouldn’t want to miss.it shelters birds of all statue like giant kingfisher, Gray crowned crane, Giant heron, Shoe bill stork, Back –bellied bustard, etc. Birders can watch birds year in and year out but the best time is the dry season in months of from January-March.
Fishing is another activity at MFNP.
Fishing in this park is mostly as a sport and is considered among the main activities along the Nile. They use the method of casting baits in order to catch large species of fish like Nile perch, cat fish, etc. And in case of catching small fish they either the method of spinning/ use live baits like termites, worms and can catch fish like Tiger fish. This is the most remarkable park where sport fishing is conducted. There are more activities like the cultural experience near Murchison falls at Boomu, Chimpanzee tracking in Budongo forest, etc.
What to see in Murchison falls National Park?
There are various attractions in this park of which when it was just established in 1952, the only existing highlight was the obvious and powerful Murchison falls and the River Nile that contained the floating hippos and a ray of crocodiles along the sand banks plus a series of different animal species that go down the river to drink and bathe. Apparently the high spot of this park is the launch tour up stream to view and witness the thunderous falls and river bank wildlife. The most unified and marvellous spot is the waterfalls on the extreme top of where the sights & sound of the Nile crashes through a huge chasm –what a memorable experience. The rest are the Big-Five (Leopards, Elephants, Bufffalos, Lions and Rhinos), in Budongo forest for the endangered species of Chimpanzees, Flora & Fauna where the park is dominated by woodland, wetland, savannah plus the tropical forest. And so much more of the attractions in this park, to mention but a few.
Where to stay while on a Safari Uganda Murchison falls National Park.
There is a series of Lodges, Hotels, Campsites where one can stay and even spend a night after your long day activities. Some facilities are within the park while others are outside but all serving the same purpose. Murchison falls has gotten accommodation ranging from Luxury, Mid-range and Budget levels of which you can’t fail to fit in any of them. Lodges like Parra safari lodge under luxury, Murchison River lodge, Amuka lodge, Pakuba and so on under the level of Mid-range and lastly lodges like Heritage safari lodge, Red chilli rest camp, New court view Masindi fall in the budget level, there you go.
Travel options, Safari Uganda Murchison falls National Park
One can reach this destination by use of Road transport, approximately 5 hrs drive from Kampala city to the park, about 305 km of which Paraa its self covers a distance of 85 km from Masindi town (shortest distance). Still one could choose to use the route of Budongo forest side where you will spot overlooking lake Albert right in the position of the Rift Valley Escarpment over Butiaba. Those using public means /vehicles obviously use the Nile at Paraa with a fixed time of 7:00 am -7:00 pm.
Apart from using Road you can also use Air means of transport to Murchison Falls National Park, at the landing site of Pakuba for those using Charter flights and it covers a distance of about 19 km from Paraa & a duration of 3 hrs from Paraa.
However Monumental Expedition Safaris we are here to see to it that your trip to Uganda Murchison Falls National Park will give you a memorable experience of a lifetime. We are fully registered and conducted many safaris and they come out very successfully. So our goal is that you get a unique and memorable Safari Uganda Murchison Falls National Park and return home safely.