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Top 10 Best Private Game Reserves In South Africa

Top 10 Best Private Game Reserves in South Africa

Top 10 Best Private Game Reserves in South Africa

Although the number of state-run parks and reserves in South Africa is diverse, the number of private reserves in the nation is even more remarkable. Private game reserves in South Africa are more exclusive and consequently less crowded than national parks, which welcome everyone, including self-drive and day visitors.

Luxury lodging, all meals, and safari activities are typically included in packages. The Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, and rhino) and other safari favorites can be seen up close while off-road driving, and game drives are carried out in open vehicles. Do you need some motivation? These are a few of South Africa’s top private wildlife reserves.

1. The Sand Game Reserve of Sabi

The most well-known private game reserve in South Africa, Sabi Sand Game Reserve, is adjacent to the considerably larger Kruger National Park without a fence. As a result, the reserve is a component of a large, self-sustaining ecosystem. There are numerous lodge options, the most of which are opulent and compact. The main draw is the habituated leopards, who are accustomed to seeing humans and safari vehicles. This is Big Five country at its finest.

Where: Greater Kruger
Dimensions: 650 kmĀ² (251 miĀ²)


2. The Game Reserve of Madikwe

The malaria-free Madikwe Game Reserve is arguably the greatest substitute for the first-rate private reserves in the Greater Kruger region. Madikwe, which is tucked down near the Botswana border, guards a vast wilderness region.

It functions identically like the private reserves further south, although being state-owned. All wildlife drives are led by the privately owned lodges. You may be fortunate enough to spot a group of wild dogs in addition to the Big Five and other safari mainstays. Sightings of them are unique because of their social interactions.

The North West Province is the location.
Dimensions: 750 kmĀ²/290 miĀ²


3. The Game Reserve of Phinda

When it comes to seeing animals, Phinda Game Reserve is comparable to the more well-known Sabi Sands. You may expect to see the cheetah, the fastest land mammal in the world, up close in addition to the regular suspects. It’s an amazing sight to see this elegant large cat hunting at full speed. Phinda takes great pleasure in the caliber of their guiding. There will be much more to your safari experience than just pursuing the Big Five.

The KwaZulu-Natal Province is the location.
Dimensions: 230 kmĀ²/89 miĀ²


4. The Nature Reserve of Timbavati

The nearest rival to Sabi Sands is Timbavati Nature Reserve, which has open borders with nearby Kruger. The safari experience feels wilder in Timbavati, despite their apparent similarities. There is little car traffic and the lodges are dispersed around the untamed terrain. There are four self-catering campers in addition to eighteen all-inclusive luxury lodges. Watch out for the reserve’s most famous feature, white lions. The gene is still present even though they haven’t been seen in a while, so you never know what the future holds.

Where: Greater Kruger
Dimensions: 534 kmĀ²/206 miĀ²


5. Game Reserve of Shamwari

The most well-known private reserve in the Eastern Cape is Shamwari Game Reserve. With the exception of leopard sightings, which are sporadic here, wildlife viewing is nearly as good as it is in the Greater Kruger area. Shamwari is a great place to watch rhinos; white rhinos are plentiful in the grassy parts, and if you head to the far north of the reserve, you have a decent chance of seeing the more rare black rhino. Make reservations at one of the kid-friendly lodges with a unique “Kids on Safari” program if you are traveling with your family.

The Eastern Cape Province is the location.
Dimensions: 250 kmĀ²/97 miĀ²Top 10 Best Private Game Reserves in South Africa

6. Game Reserve MalaMala

MalaMala Game Reserve, which is surrounded by open spaces between Sabi Sands and Kruger, is a part of a vast ecosystem where animals are free to roam. You can enjoy excellent animal viewing away from the people here because there aren’t many properties on a sizable area of wilderness. Spending time with one of the habituated leopards on the reserve will make you appreciate exclusivity. This is the best place to see how these typically shy huge cats behave. A lone male scouting its territory, a mother with cubs, or maybe a couple going through their mating rituals could all be seen.

Where: Greater Kruger
Dimensions: 133 kmĀ²/51 miĀ²


7. The Game Reserve of Manyeleti

The sole local community-owned and operated game reserve in the region is Manyeleti Game Reserve. Although the reserve has open borders with Timbavati Nature Reserve and Kruger, its wildlife densities are lower because there isn’t any permanent water. There are also fewer visitors. A opportunity to see any of the Big Five and much more awaits you when you visit Manyeleti for a genuinely off-the-beaten-path wilderness experience.

Where: Greater Kruger
Dimensions: 230 kmĀ²/89 miĀ²


8. The Game Reserve of Kwandwe

This is as elite as a safari gets. Imagine a wilderness area of 220 kmĀ² (85 miĀ²) with only two tiny lodges. During your gaming drive, you might not spot another car. One of the best places to see wildlife in the Eastern Cape is Kwandwe Game Reserve.

All five of the Big Five can be seen here, but rhino sightings are especially satisfying. Not only the serene white rhino, either. The typically shy black rhino is also quite noticeable. Don’t miss Kwandwe’s night drive; you have a good possibility of seeing an aardvark or porcupine, two of the most elusive animals at night.

The Eastern Cape Province is the location.
Dimensions: 220 kmĀ²/85 miĀ²


9. The Nature Reserve of Balule

Numerous smaller estates make up Balule Nature Reserve, a sizable protected area that shares open boundaries with Kruger. The quality of the animal viewing is as outstanding as you would expect anywhere in Greater Kruger, despite the area sometimes feeling crowded and overcrowded. During the dry season, large herds of buffalo and elephants are drawn to the majestic Olifants (Elephant) River, which is the main feature.

Where: Greater Kruger
Dimensions: 350 kmĀ²/135 miĀ²


10. Game Reserve Amakhala

Amakhala Game Reserve has a lot to offer, despite not being the most adventurous place to visit. It is easily integrated with a Cape vacation and is fairly priced. Four of the Big Five are regularly sighted, and wildlife watching is excellent.

Leopards are an exception; although their traces may be found, these timid creatures are not likely to be spotted here. Numerous lodging options are available to suit a range of price ranges. Some would be great for a family safari, while others are suitable for a romantic vacation.

The Eastern Cape Province is the location.
Dimensions: 72 kmĀ²/28 miĀ²