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4 Day Rwanda Gorilla And Chimpanzee Trekking Safari

Wildlife Safari in Rwanda for 10 Days

Wildlife Safari in Rwanda for 10 Days

10 Days Best of Rwanda Wildlife Safari – This tour was designed to get you up close and personal with all the attractions of this fascinating region’s stormy past. Your rooms will be the best intermediate options in terms of count. Enjoy the finest of Rwanda. Rwanda is an amazing spot to visit in Eastern Africa. Join the friendly locals as they pursue mountain gorillas and take in some stunning lakeside vistas.


The 10-day Rwanda safari tour schedule is outlined day by day.

Arrival at Kigali International Airport on Day 1

On arrival, your safari driver guide will meet you at the airport to pick you up from your trip; if you arrive early, you may have time to explore the Kigali craft market.  Pottery, carvings, batik, painting, sketching, musical instruments, accessories, and fabrics are available for purchase. Prepare to utilize your negotiating skills!  You are solely responsible for any occurrences and transactions. You’ll have lunch on the way. Following that, the guide will transport you to a Kigali lodge where you may unwind. Dinner and an overnight stay are included.


Transfer to Akagera National Park on Day 2

After a hearty breakfast, you will begin your journey to Akagera National Park. Akagera National Park covers 2500 km2 of savannah in Rwanda’s northeast, west of the Kagera River. The park boasts a diverse biodiversity and is home to over 500 different bird species. Elephant and buffalo herds emerge from the forests to drink at the lakes, and you could sight a leopard, a spotted hyena, or perhaps a lion. Giraffes and zebra plague the plains, and Antelopes proliferate in the woodland.

You will have lunch en route and then go to the park, where you will check in to the lodge for leisure before going on an afternoon wildlife drive in the park, where you will have the opportunity to see a variety of animals and bird species that live in the forest.


Day 3: boat ride and Holocaust monument

You will have an early breakfast before embarking on a boat excursion where you will have the opportunity to see several water bucks such as fish eagles and kingfishers, as well as cormorants. You will then return to Kigali.

After lunch, you’ll journey through a lovely landscape not generally seen by visitors to Kigali’s Bugesera region. In the little village of Nyamata, you will visit a genocide memorial church. Following that, you will go to the genocide monument in the city center to learn more about the tragedy that occurred in Rwanda.


Nyungwe Forest National Park on Day 4

Following an early breakfast, you will go for the famed Nyungwe Forest. One of East and Central Africa’s largest woods. The forest is home to a diverse range of flora and wildlife, including 13 primate species such as colobus monkeys, gray monkeys, and chimps. The forest is especially ideal for birders, with over 310 documented bird species, 26 of which are endemic, making the park one of the top birding locations in Africa.


You will have lunch on the way to the lodge, then check in for dinner and sleep.


Day 5: Go chimp trekking

Following an early morning departure, you will go to the chimp trekking headquarters for a briefing on the dos and don’ts of chimp trekking. You then travel to the forest, either in the Cyamudongo or Uwinka portions of the Nyungwe forest, by following the route. This exhilarating up-close experience with humanity’s closest relative is plenty of pleasure you won’t soon forget.

After the Rwanda chimp trekking, you have the option of relaxing at the lodge or participating in an extra activity that you will discuss with your guide.


Canopy walk and waterfall trek on Day 6

The canopy trails provide stunning views of the forest from above, where you may identify many animal and bird species. For roughly 112 hours, the trek takes you through some stunning flora and cattle pastures. Along the walk, you may see blue monkeys and unusual birds that live in the upper forest canopy levels.

In the afternoon, you’ll embark on a walk to the Waterfall. This journey takes 3 to 6 hours round trip, depending on how frequently you go sightseeing and if you drive a bit farther or bike from the headquarters.

The initial stretch of the walkway essentially mimics the road to the vehicle park before descending into the forest. You’ll have to negotiate several streams after finally finishing a steep drop to the base of the modest relaxing waterfall. Dinner and an overnight stay at the resort.


Lake Kivu on Day 7

Following a leisurely breakfast, you will travel to Kibuye on the eastern coast of Lake Kivu. You may go to Ndaba Falls or go to Kibuye town. You may rent a boat in the afternoon and visit a few islands. All activities today are at your own expense. Then you return to the lodge for dinner and a night’s stay.


Volcanoes National Park on Day 8

After an early breakfast, you will drive northeast to Musanze, which is adjacent to the Virunga Volcano range and showcases Rwanda’s Musanze cave, which dates back 65 million years. This lovely region serves as the starting point for gorilla tracking.

Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge is located on the outskirts of town. The big rooms make you feel at home. In the evening, enjoy a campfire and some local dance groups’ entertainment.


Rwanda Gorilla Trekking on Day 9

You will get up early in the morning! You travel about 30 minutes into the park from the resort to Office Rwanda’s de Tourisme et Des Parc Nationaux. The park’s chief ranger will break you into groups depending on your interests and fitness.  The guide will transport you from the office to the start of the gorilla walk. Every day, you will monitor gorillas from one of the habituated groups that can survive human presence for a limited amount of time.

Prepare for a thrilling trek through wooded hills, tangled vines, shrubs, and bamboo before reaching the gorillas. The guide will point out gorilla signals such as excrement, nests, and chewed bamboo shoots to indicate that you are moving closer to them.

Tracing the gorillas might take anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours! Once discovered, you will be allowed to spend an hour with the gorillas. Coming face to face with a mountain gorilla is a humbling and emotional event. This is a fantastic and one-of-a-kind opportunity for Rwanda’s ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ to come up close and personal.


Departure on Day 10

After a leisurely breakfast, your driver/guide will transport you back to Kigali in time for your departure home. Unfortunately, this is where Rwanda ends.

Please keep in mind that this is only feasible if your flight departs Kigali at 3 p.m. or later. If you require an additional night in Kigali, we would gladly make a reservation for you.